Family Trees, Genealogy and Ancestral Research
NEW FOR 2024 - Now offering House Histories
Each new tree is the start of an unknown journey. Whether I'm starting with a lot of information or hardly anything, it is exciting to see each new path unfold. I never know where a family will take me. I have never been disappointed with the story that is uncovered.
You are unique...
...And so is your heritage. No-one has the exact same ancestry as you apart from your siblings. Kirsten English Genealogy is here to help you discover the amazing story of your family legacy.
Where did they live? How far did they travel? What did they do? Did they get into trouble? Did they achieve great things? There is so much to uncover on this exciting journey...
Kirsten English Genealogy is a friendly and professional business based in Dorset, England researching family trees from all over the UK and beyond.
If you wish to discuss your requirements, you’re not sure what you need or if your ancestry is from outside the UK, please contact us by calling +44 (0) 7763 876578.
Whatever your family history need, we are here to help you.